Remember to turn on sound (lower right corner)
One of the skill building exercises of the PADI Divemaster education is called "Equipment Exchange":
In confined water, demonstrate the ability to effectively respond to unusual circumstances underwater by exchanging all scuba equipment (except exposure suits and weights) with a buddy while sharing a single regulator second stage earning af minimum score of 3*
- Orient candidates to procedures for sharing a single regulator second stage, including exhalation between breaths and not covering the purge button as the regulator is passed back and forth.
- Give buddy teams less than five minutes to discuss the exercise
- Have candidates begin sharing a single regulator stage in water too deep in which to stand, exchange equipment and continue sharing air until they reach shallow water.
- Do not assign problems - allow candidates to resolve any naturally occuring onees.
*) Scoring criteria not covered here. We probably scored 4 - 5. Better than minimum.